Update on Deacon Mike: Deacon Mike had open heart surgery last Tuesday, August 26. During the six hour surgery the doctors replaced all of the ascending aorta and part of the right subclavian artery. Before the surgery, it was thought they would have to replace his aortic valve, but they were able to repair it and it is working satisfactorily. When Mike Lee visited him at 8:00 the next day, Dcn Mike was surrounded by six nurses and doctors and he was making them all laugh out loud at his continuous stream of jokes. Dcn Mike spent three days in Intensive Care before being downgraded to Medical ICU. Each day, his condition improved remarkably, and they removed more and more of the life support systems connected to him. He should remain at Stanford Medical Center for another five days before being transported to Santa Barbara Cottage Rehabilitation Hospital, where he will stay for about two weeks before moving to an extended care facility.
Diácono Mike se sometió a una cirugía a corazón abierto el pasado martes 26 de agosto. Durante la cirugía de seis horas, los médicos reemplazaron toda la aorta ascendente y parte de la arteria subclavia derecha. Antes de la cirugía, se pensó que tendrían que reemplazar su válvula aórtica, pero pudieron repararla y está funcionando satisfactoriamente. Cuando Mike Lee lo visitó a las 8:00 del día siguiente, Dcn Mike estaba rodeado por seis enfermeras y médicos y los estaba haciendo reír a carcajadas con su flujo continuo de bromas. Dcn Mike pasó tres días en cuidados intensivos antes de ser degradado a la UCI médica. Cada día, su condición mejoraba notablemente y le quitaron más y más sistemas de soporte vital conectados a él. Debería permanecer en el Centro Médico de Stanford durante otros cinco días antes de ser transportado al Hospital de Rehabilitación de Santa Barbara Cottage, donde permanecerá durante unas dos semanas antes de trasladarse a un centro de atención prolongada.