TUESDAY, APRIL 7: Tuesday of Holy Week
"Simon Peter said, "Lord, where are you going? Jesus replied, "Where I am going, you cannot follow me now, you will follow me later," (Jn. 13:36). "God did not spare his own Son, but handed him over for us all," (Rom. 8:32).
“The way Jesus shows you is not easy. Rather, it is like a path winding up a mountain. Do not lose heart! The steeper the road, the faster it rises towards ever wider horizons,” (St. John Paul II).
Lord, we are weak. We are in fear of the novel Covid-19 virus. But we trust in your word for you said that you are the Way, the Truth and the Life and that no one can come to the Father except through you (Jn 14:6). Lord Jesus, show us the way out of the grip of this corona pandemic and out of the grip of all worldly realities which hold us away from you. Amen.