Thursday, August 6
The Transfiguration. “Jesus took Peter, James, and his brother, John, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. And he was transfigured before them; his face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as light. And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, conversing with him,” (Mt. 17:1-3).
“If we knew how much God loved us, and was for us, we’d talk to him all day long.” Donald Miller
Father, Peter, James and John were the chosen few of your Son. May we be specifically his friends; that He may be transfigured for us and our loved ones; may we see His shining face so that He may shine in all our lives. Amen.
Jueves, 6 de Agosto
La Transfiguración. “Jesús llevó a Pedro, Santiago, y a su hermano Juan a lo alto de una montaña. El aspecto de Jesús cambió completamente delante de ellos; su rostro brillaba como el sol y sus ropas se volvieron blancas como la luz. Y he aquí que Moisés y Elías aparecieron conversando con El,” (Mateo 17:1-3).
“Si supiéramos cuanto nos ama Dios y lo que significa para nosotros, conversaríamos con el todo el día.” Donald Miller
Padre, Pedro, Santiago y Juan fueron los pocos escogidos por tu Hijo. Que nosotros podamos ser sus amigos especiales; que se transfigure para nosotros y nuestros seres queridos; que podamos ver su rostro brillante para que ilumine todo en nuestras vidas. Amen