Solemnity of Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. “When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found to be with child of the Holy Spirit; and her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to send her away quietly.” Matthew 1:18-19.
“Love St. Joseph a lot. He deserves your affection, and it will do you good to get to know him because he has great power before the Lord, and before the Mother of God.” St. Jose Maria Escriva.
Lord Jesus, lead us to be like Your Father Joseph: just, humble, respectful, righteous and magnanimous. May the circle of our family and friends be always blessed like the Holy Family of Nazareth. Amen
Sábado 19 de marzo de 2022
Solemnidad de San José, Esposo de la Santísima Virgen María. "Cuando su madre María había sido prometida a José, antes de que vivieran juntos, quedo embarazada por medio del Espíritu Santo; y su esposo José, siendo un hombre justo y no dispuesto a avergonzarla, pensó enviarla lejos discretamente". Mateo 1:18-19.
"Ama mucho a San José. Él merece tu afecto, y te hará bien conocerlo porque tiene un gran poder ante el Señor y ante la Madre de Dios". San Josemaría Escrivá.
Señor Jesús, llévanos a ser como Tu Padre José: justo, humilde, respetuoso, recto y magnánimo. Que el círculo de nuestra familia y amigos sea siempre bendecido como la Sagrada Familia de Nazaret. Amén.