"On this National Day of Prayer, Americans reaffirm that prayer guides and strengthens our Nation, and we express, with humility and gratitude, our 'firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence.'" Proclamation on National Day of Prayer, 2020
"En este Día Nacional de Oración, los estadounidenses reafirman que la oración guía y fortalece a nuestra nación, y expresamos, con humildad y gratitud, nuestra 'firme dependencia de la protección de la divina Providencia'". Proclamación del Día Nacional de Oración, 2020
Lord, we exist to give You glory. We exist
because of Your glory, and in Your glory, as
our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer. We
give you thanks and praise for every breath
and moment You have given to us. We
repent of our sin; for the shameful things
we have done against You and for our
silence when we did not speak up to
proclaim Your Name, profess Your Word,
or protect and practice Your will.
We ask Your forgiveness.
We pray that the knowledge of the glory of
the Lord will spread across our nation and
the entire earth as we seek Your Kingdom
and righteousness; as we walk in
obedience to You, and in humble unity,
love one another. Jesus, the Bible says that
You are “the knowledge of the glory of the
Lord.” You have taught us to pray,
commanded us to love, and commissioned
us to share Your gospel of grace. Your
glory fills our hearts and families, it
overflows into our neighborhoods,
workplaces, campuses, churches,
entertainment, and media. We give thanks
for our military and ask that Your glory
would spread to, and through them as they
preserve freedom around the world. We
pray for our government, that all of our
leaders and laws would be filled with Your
glory, that they would magnify Your Holy
Word and honor Your will and ways. We
pray that Your grace and glory would
spread to bring hope to the hopeless, and
love where there is hurt and hate. God, use
us as we pray your promise, that “the earth
will be filled with the knowledge of the
glory of the Lord as the waters
cover the sea.” In Jesus Name, Amen!
Kathy Branzell President, National Day of Prayer Task Force