In celebration of the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the Patron Saint of Animals, parishioners, family and friends and all pet owners are invited to attend St. Joseph’s Blessing of the Animals on Saturday, October 1, at 10 a.m. The blessing will take place in the field adjacent to the church located at 1500 Linden Ave. in Carpinteria. Participants are invited to bring their well-behaved pets - including cats, dogs, turtles, fish, guinea pigs and other pets - to receive a blessing of good health and well-being. All others are invited to enjoy this special moment with all God’s “creatures great and small”. For people who are uncomfortable bringing a pet, they can bring a photograph or drawing for the blessing. Animals should have their morning walks before entering the church to prevent accidents. Pets and other animals are permitted to be brought in carriers for safety or convenience. Children can also bring their favorite stuffed animals to receive a blessing. For more information contact St. Joseph Church Office at 805-684-2181.